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TLS 842 5 monnie 24th July 2010, 13:15
» by monnie
Telegraph quick 2 pauline 24th July 2010, 12:55
» by pauline
Cryptic 7 lucy 24th July 2010, 12:38
» by lucy
DT 26301 2 rai 24th July 2010, 11:33
» by rai
canberra times cryptic 3 poppy 24th July 2010, 11:31
» by suki
canberra times cryptic (gemini 5596) 4 poppy 24th July 2010, 11:25
» by suki
daily t 26,301 17 george 24th July 2010, 11:22
» by suki
T2 5212 2 foxy lady 24th July 2010, 10:19
» by foxy lady
Sports and Leisure quiz 2 quizbag 24th July 2010, 08:25
» by quizbag
is it right nor not? 2 kurt304 24th July 2010, 03:49
» by kurt304
im sad 5 tess 24th July 2010, 00:29
» by def
places in Great Britain 1 panda 24th July 2010, 00:17
» by tess
Kids TV programmes quiz 15 wills 23rd July 2010, 23:58
» by tess
Pop groups 13 bigfoot 23rd July 2010, 22:10
» by ixion
DR Tues Big Xword 2 gran 23rd July 2010, 17:55
» by gran
Maths Teaser 6 dorothy 23rd July 2010, 16:25
» by ixion
Daily Mail 4 megan 23rd July 2010, 15:50
» by megan
times cryptic 24597 4 sallyw 23rd July 2010, 12:35
» by sallyw
Times 24590 1 val 23rd July 2010, 11:36
» by dave
d.mail 4 freddyboy 23rd July 2010, 10:37
» by freddyboy
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