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Last two 5 ravel 21st July 2010, 15:49
» by jenny
Gardener caste name 2 stw107 21st July 2010, 15:11
» by stw107
Feeling so stupid 3 david 21st July 2010, 14:58
» by leslie
Tuesday Daily Record 3 margaret 21st July 2010, 14:00
» by silly boy
mail... again! 5 markymark 21st July 2010, 12:57
» by crypto
Dog cat breeds or types 2 magic1 21st July 2010, 12:31
» by magic1
mail 2 markymark 21st July 2010, 12:13
» by markymark
Struggling with these! 2 elizabeth 21st July 2010, 12:02
» by sammy
ME AGAIN 2 lona 21st July 2010, 11:43
» by lorna
Annoying cryptic. please help ! 2 vinnie 21st July 2010, 10:27
» by vinnie
HELP PLEASE 4 lorna 21st July 2010, 09:58
» by lorna
tues record 3 minniejo 21st July 2010, 09:33
» by joe 90
Cryptics - help 1 lorna 21st July 2010, 08:43
» by ixion
Daily Mail 5 megan 21st July 2010, 08:21
» by michael
another cryptic 2 doug 21st July 2010, 08:12
» by doug
Cryptics again 2 lorna 21st July 2010, 07:57
» by doug
Cryptics 2 lorma 21st July 2010, 07:19
» by lorna
sunday mail magazine 5 redford 21st July 2010, 00:38
» by redford
Tuesday record 2 babs 21st July 2010, 00:10
» by babs
TIMES JUMBO CRYPTIC 880 7 andy 20th July 2010, 23:10
» by bluemoon2
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