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Ev 924 repeated 19 laura 22nd July 2010, 07:03
» by k
HELP 3 lorna 22nd July 2010, 00:51
» by bigd
stuck 1 tom 22nd July 2010, 00:09
» by def
berries 11 nightingale 21st July 2010, 23:04
» by helena
high street shops 13 patrick 21st July 2010, 22:21
» by crypto
Driving me crazy 2 cass 21st July 2010, 21:45
» by cass
wash Post crossynergy 7/5 2010 2 michelle 21st July 2010, 21:13
» by lynx499
Answers have a disciple s name in the answer 9 simone 21st July 2010, 20:46
» by simone
Thanks 1 ravel 21st July 2010, 20:44
» by crypto
Daily Mail 5 megan 21st July 2010, 20:36
» by megan
RT30 2 ann 21st July 2010, 20:24
» by ann
children's television programmes 4 callie 21st July 2010, 19:43
» by leslie - Cheerless (4) 17 charliegeorge 21st July 2010, 19:19
» by crypto
May be wrong 1 ravel 21st July 2010, 19:04
» by crypto
Private Eye Crossword 422 - 2D 5 martin 21st July 2010, 18:30
» by martin
tls 841 11 across 2 rony 21st July 2010, 18:11
» by rony
Private Eye 422 2 chips 21st July 2010, 17:08
» by chips
times cryptic 24595 3 sallyw 21st July 2010, 15:53
» by sallyw
Guardian 25068 5 mistley 21st July 2010, 15:52
» by ixion
Times 24577 6 val 21st July 2010, 15:51
» by jo
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