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SAT DAILY RECORD 2 millie 15th August 2010, 18:57
» by millie
different crossword, same magazine 3 ann 15th August 2010, 18:41
» by ann
St 4394 3 chloe 15th August 2010, 18:39
» by trevor
Sunday Express £1000 1 tina 15th August 2010, 18:31
» by manxman
same magazine / crossword 2 ann - again 15th August 2010, 18:19
» by ann
unison magazine 3 ann 15th August 2010, 18:17
» by ann
DT 26,319 3 ash 15th August 2010, 18:05
» by ash
Sunday Express £1000 crossword 2 tina 15th August 2010, 17:47
» by talyho
ST4394 Crypic 23dn 3 headprior 15th August 2010, 17:08
» by billy
star two way teaser 3 mark 15th August 2010, 17:04
» by fred
Times 2 884 2 dumblix 15th August 2010, 17:04
» by dumblix
Sunday Mail 2 elaine 15th August 2010, 17:00
» by sudokulover
ST4394 3 francis 15th August 2010, 16:49
» by francis
S Tele cryptic 2549 5 jimbo 15th August 2010, 16:30
» by jimbo
DT 26,319 stuck on 11ac 6 tony 15th August 2010, 16:28
» by tony
Sun.Tel Cryptic 2 suki 15th August 2010, 16:17
» by suki
Sunday Herald prize crossword 3 jaybee 15th August 2010, 15:48
» by jaybee
Sat Daily Record 2 elaine 15th August 2010, 15:48
» by trevor
Belfast Telegraph 3 barns 15th August 2010, 15:46
» by chrisg
Mephisto 1 tony 15th August 2010, 15:19
» by sudokulover
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