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Dear Dawn 2 karen 20th August 2010, 22:35
» by karen
Guardian 25089 - Paul 46 rosie 20th August 2010, 22:34
» by jouef
TALK TO ME SUNNY 0 dawn 20th August 2010, 21:15
» by dawn
daily express crusader 5 tiswas123 20th August 2010, 18:50
» by ajt
times cryptic 24621 2 sallyw 20th August 2010, 18:13
» by sallyw
Daily Mail Quick Crossword 20/08/10 4 chris 20th August 2010, 17:47
» by chris
FRAUD ALERT PLEASE BECAREFUL 0 sunny 20th August 2010, 17:24
» by sunny
Anti-Gay Alabama Attorney General Caught Being Gay (Read 5 times) 0 sunny.. 20th August 2010, 17:21
» by sunny..
Man Finds Own Wife in Brothel. 0 sunny 20th August 2010, 17:20
» by sunny
Local crossword (cryptic) 4 isa 20th August 2010, 17:00
» by megan
FAOP Mamya if you are around re Chambers Dictionary 16 megan 20th August 2010, 16:29
» by megan
times cryptic 24621 3 sallyw 20th August 2010, 16:15
» by sallyw
Radio Times Crossword 33 14-20/8/2010 7 robert. j. larcombe 20th August 2010, 16:12
» by flipper2law
Express Ditloid 2 silly boy 20th August 2010, 14:16
» by silly boy
times cryptic 24621 2 sallyw 20th August 2010, 13:25
» by sallyw
Local crossword (cryptic) 3 isa 20th August 2010, 11:53
» by chrisg
Cryptic 5 philip 20th August 2010, 11:24
» by philip
Spectator 1978 26 sudokulover 20th August 2010, 09:49
» by zardoz
Herald 3 james 20th August 2010, 01:10
» by james
PE 424 3 robespierre 20th August 2010, 00:48
» by robespierre
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