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times cryptic 24619 4 sallyw 18th August 2010, 13:51
» by sallyw
Times 2 no. 5233 2 paul 18th August 2010, 13:33
» by paul
Jumbo 884 47a. 39d. 4 juill 18th August 2010, 13:18
» by chips
Tues Fun day DR 3 joe90 18th August 2010, 12:33
» by crypto
cryptics again 3 lorna 18th August 2010, 11:43
» by lorna
who are you? 11 sue 18th August 2010, 11:11
» by me 2
DR tues 6 D 2 mattie2 18th August 2010, 09:18
» by mattie2
dddnd 1 sue 17th August 2010, 23:15
» by .
IM SO GLAD IM NOT THE ONLY NUTTER 1 sue 17th August 2010, 23:05
» by .
Sat Jumbo Cryptic 884 4 tir eoghain 17th August 2010, 22:48
» by tir eoghain
i wish i were clever and educated 4 sue 17th August 2010, 22:34
» by sue
I can write long title threads too you know, oh yes! yes indeed.Don't make me come down there and prove it. 2 trevor 17th August 2010, 22:31
» by mark
Why does some idiot keep posting daft things on this forum 6 ???? 17th August 2010, 22:29
» by chris4food
Ev 928 2 laura 17th August 2010, 22:20
» by laura
Game, Sport or Pastime 3 graham 17th August 2010, 21:56
» by graham
Wee Stinker 5 badhairdave 17th August 2010, 21:43
» by badhairdave
local crossword 2 sue 17th August 2010, 21:14
» by sue
Strange Clue 5 kieros 17th August 2010, 21:09
» by kieros
DR The Big One 3 ann 17th August 2010, 21:07
» by ann
tues daily record crossword 1 lori 17th August 2010, 20:58
» by may
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