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13465 ft 6 rustler 17th August 2010, 08:34
» by rustler
ST 4394 2 sara 17th August 2010, 00:59
» by bigd
times jumbo cryptic884 8 cockney 16th August 2010, 23:03
» by cockney
Wee stinker 13 anna 16th August 2010, 20:40
» by finger of blame
mephisto 2607 4 sallyw 16th August 2010, 20:36
» by sallyw
Daily Mail 16 Aug 3 pooksahib 16th August 2010, 20:17
» by pooksahib
Sunday Times 4394 5 marti 16th August 2010, 20:12
» by marti
jumbo884cryptic 4 janice 16th August 2010, 19:56
» by janice
times 2. 884 2 ron 16th August 2010, 19:19
» by ron
Sunday Times 4394 4 gail 16th August 2010, 18:53
» by gail
OVERLAPS AND ANAGRAMS 2 anagram ann 16th August 2010, 18:51
» by anagram ann
Well known songs quiz 4 yorkshiregirl 16th August 2010, 18:41
» by yorkshiregirl
YOU magazine crossword 1 krisstoff 16th August 2010, 18:10
» by liz
stumped on 2 down 2 loggie 16th August 2010, 17:43
» by loggie
mos lancelot crossword 3 krisstoff 16th August 2010, 17:41
» by krisstoff
The Week 710 3 mjc 16th August 2010, 17:12
» by mjc
Times Jumbo 884 Cryptic 4 marnie 16th August 2010, 16:57
» by marnie
Sat Daily Record 2 faccle 16th August 2010, 16:34
» by faccle
FT 13465 4 oldham 16th August 2010, 16:25
» by oldham
Daily mail 3 megan 16th August 2010, 16:24
» by megan
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