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Everyman 3,334 3 js 22nd August 2010, 11:21
» by martin
dt gk crossword 10 gilly 22nd August 2010, 11:03
» by gilly
Guardian 25095 3 mikey 22nd August 2010, 11:01
» by leon
VILLAGE NEAR BALMORAL???? 3 ian 22nd August 2010, 10:45
» by clive
MoS bare Bones 0 mitch 22nd August 2010, 10:38
» by mitch
Times Cryptic Jumbo 885 4 tornface 22nd August 2010, 10:38
» by tornface
MOS Brian workout 4 jayneygibb 22nd August 2010, 10:14
» by jayneygibb
RTE Crossword 34 10 kieros 22nd August 2010, 09:12
» by chrisg
puzzlebrains 10 cryptic 2 tricia 22nd August 2010, 08:35
» by tricia
canberra times cryptic #2 (gemini 5624) 5 poppy 22nd August 2010, 08:17
» by davidab
canberra times cryptic (gemini 5624) 7 poppy 22nd August 2010, 07:55
» by ajt
Times 24622 4 orientalist 22nd August 2010, 01:46
» by orientalist
Araucaria 25 pog 22nd August 2010, 01:13
» by alan
ST Jumbo 885 unlikely to go wrong? 2 foxy lady 21st August 2010, 23:14
» by foxy lady
Herald 3 ziggy 21st August 2010, 23:03
» by crypto
York Post 2 jan 21st August 2010, 23:02
» by jan
Last two 3 purplebird 21st August 2010, 22:48
» by purplebird
Flowers 4 graham 21st August 2010, 22:36
» by graham
A Question of food 6 meg 21st August 2010, 22:36
» by pom
14 across I have *r*h*n*g*s 4 tyrell 21st August 2010, 21:39
» by jonboy
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