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herald 2 sean 28th August 2010, 10:57
» by sean
daily mail 5 lisa 28th August 2010, 10:47
» by cath from saron
At a loss 2 paul73 28th August 2010, 01:08
» by ixion
ARE YOU DUMB BIGFOOT 2 fran 28th August 2010, 00:20
» by numskull
where is everyone? 1 tracey 28th August 2010, 00:13
» by jim
Help with cryptic clue 3 miles 27th August 2010, 23:37
» by miles
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 2 pooksahib 27th August 2010, 19:56
» by pooksahib
espress crusader 5 tiswas123 27th August 2010, 18:34
» by ixion
Recorder 4 addo 27th August 2010, 17:45
» by jimc
Times Crossword No 5241 - 13 across 5 |gina barry 27th August 2010, 17:42
» by jimc
Times Crossword No 5241 - 13 across 6 |gina barry 27th August 2010, 17:25
» by jimc
Azed 1995 38 sudokulover 27th August 2010, 15:42
» by ixion
who is sunny and what is he on? 1 dawn 27th August 2010, 14:49
» by bh
Local cryptic 10 lindsey 27th August 2010, 14:44
» by suki
Herald 2 colin 27th August 2010, 14:42
» by colin
Times Jumbo 3 rosie 27th August 2010, 10:57
» by rosie
Spectator 1979 27 sudokulover 27th August 2010, 10:11
» by ajt
Heage Picture Quiz 0 famous5 27th August 2010, 09:56
» by famous5
new to crosswords 1 fran 26th August 2010, 22:21
» by jimc
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 4 pooksahib 26th August 2010, 22:18
» by ajt
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