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ST cryptic 4396 2 caro 29th August 2010, 21:17
» by caro
MoS Bare Bones 0 mitch 29th August 2010, 21:16
» by mitch
Times jumbo 886 4 keith 29th August 2010, 20:57
» by ann
D Rec Sat 27th 3 jimmy 29th August 2010, 20:14
» by jimmy
Sat. Daily Record 2 m m 29th August 2010, 20:10
» by m m
Times Jumbo 885 18a 4 deborah 29th August 2010, 20:04
» by deborah
Mephisto 2 dream 29th August 2010, 20:03
» by dream
Scottish Sunday Mail 3 jane 29th August 2010, 19:31
» by jane
Independent last Monday 2 tony 29th August 2010, 18:55
» by terry
ST4396 1 dumbo 29th August 2010, 18:29
» by harrhy
tel £500. 2 pat 29th August 2010, 18:23
» by pat
Glasgow Sunday Herald Prize Xword 12 jaybee 29th August 2010, 18:03
» by jaybee
mephisto 2609 1 sallyw 29th August 2010, 17:54
» by tony
mephisto 2609 8 sallyw 29th August 2010, 17:45
» by tony
irish news help!! 6 anneb 29th August 2010, 17:41
» by digger
Crossword #178 9a - HELP pls 1 bian 29th August 2010, 17:40
» by terry
Crossword #178 15d - HELP pls 8 bian 29th August 2010, 17:20
» by bian
jumbo crossword 886 Question 27 down 5 janette 29th August 2010, 17:00
» by jimc
Scottish place name 3 shan 29th August 2010, 16:45
» by jimc
Sat Daily Record 2 elaine 29th August 2010, 16:39
» by jimc
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