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times cryptic 24625 7 sallyw 25th August 2010, 14:47
» by jomac
TIMES JUMBO 885 19D 1 wendy 25th August 2010, 14:12
» by chrisg
family members 18 gandalph 25th August 2010, 13:01
» by the joker
times cryptic 24625 3 sallyw 25th August 2010, 12:56
» by sallyw
why are we here? 5 brian 25th August 2010, 11:37
» by bullfrog
Tues funday DR 2 joe 90 25th August 2010, 11:06
» by christopher
Mike- loved the joke! 0 christopher 25th August 2010, 10:52
» by christopher
DM- last clue need help with please 5 christopher 25th August 2010, 10:41
» by christopher
ST4395 11 ron 25th August 2010, 10:18
» by crypto
times cryptic 885 1 casita 25th August 2010, 09:37
» by big dave
i need answers 1 brian 24th August 2010, 23:18
» by terry
Tuesday Record 2 babs 24th August 2010, 22:59
» by babs
everyman 3334 2 mich 24th August 2010, 22:31
» by mich
RT 35 5 ann 24th August 2010, 22:27
» by ann
herald 2 sean 24th August 2010, 21:20
» by sean
Daily Mail Crossword today. 1 quiche 24th August 2010, 21:13
» by crypto
You Magazine Crossword No. 1,192 4 quiche 24th August 2010, 21:12
» by quiche
herald 2 sean 24th August 2010, 21:11
» by sean
times 24624 27D 8 kenw 24th August 2010, 20:24
» by trevor
Tues DR 14 caz 24th August 2010, 18:33
» by caz
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