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times jumbo cryptic 886 2 caro 28th August 2010, 18:43
» by caro
Indy 7447 3 rosie 28th August 2010, 18:08
» by rosie
GB towns & villages 9 bigfoot 28th August 2010, 18:01
» by helena
What/who is 1978:Barry 11 3 val 28th August 2010, 17:49
» by val
stuck on arrow word 2 margaret middleton 28th August 2010, 17:31
» by ajt
Jumbo Cryptic 886 2 stan 28th August 2010, 17:25
» by stan
DT 500 1 mik 28th August 2010, 16:49
» by ajt
Television 1 elizabeth 28th August 2010, 16:05
» by helena
city on Egyptian coast 1 roo 28th August 2010, 15:51
» by chrisg
the sun 3 ltfc4life 28th August 2010, 15:06
» by chrisg
D. Tel £500 2 suki 28th August 2010, 14:27
» by suki
DT 26,331 7dn 2 dumbo 28th August 2010, 14:20
» by dumbo
the sun 2 ltfc4life 28th August 2010, 14:14
» by jolan
telegraph cryptic 3 pauline 28th August 2010, 13:03
» by colin (swansea jack)
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 9 claire 28th August 2010, 12:46
» by claire
problems again? 3 sudokulover 28th August 2010, 12:18
» by sallyw
herald 1 sean 28th August 2010, 11:24
» by sudokulover
herald 2 sean 28th August 2010, 11:04
» by sean
D.Tel 2 suki 28th August 2010, 11:03
» by suki
herald 1 sean 28th August 2010, 11:01
» by ajt
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