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times 4396. 9 pat 30th August 2010, 21:15
» by pat.
Sunday tribune 2 bertie 30th August 2010, 21:06
» by bertie
Answers must have w followed by i in them 21 sylvia 30th August 2010, 21:04
» by ixion
TIMES 886 5 ron 30th August 2010, 20:46
» by ron
Timesw 24628 3 tigerinthezoo 30th August 2010, 20:30
» by tigerinthezoo
Guardian 25101 52 sophie 30th August 2010, 20:27
» by caro
tls 843 3 rony 30th August 2010, 20:21
» by rony
cities of the world 3 keithcon 30th August 2010, 20:04
» by ixion
Wee Stinker 2 grannyp 30th August 2010, 20:02
» by grannnyp
wee stinker 5 strummer 30th August 2010, 19:33
» by strummer
sunday world 0 sean 30th August 2010, 19:24
» by sean
sunday world 3 sean 30th August 2010, 19:21
» by crypto
times 4396 3 ken 30th August 2010, 19:04
» by ken
Wee Stinker 3 di 30th August 2010, 18:40
» by ixion
the sun 4 ltfc4life 30th August 2010, 18:07
» by jomac
Chronicle Crossword 4 bharath 30th August 2010, 17:48
» by bharath
Sunday Times 4396 2 gg 30th August 2010, 17:47
» by gg
sat times 24.628 4 april 30th August 2010, 17:46
» by april
the sun 3 ltfc4life 30th August 2010, 17:35
» by harrhy
Cheshire house quiz no 72 - Games sport & pastimes 1 ejay 30th August 2010, 17:13
» by pete
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