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times2 jumbo 887 3 nick neve 4th September 2010, 18:59
» by wenda
NADFAS Crossword 2 sally 4th September 2010, 18:46
» by sally
GKcrossword 4/9 1 nickyg 4th September 2010, 18:30
» by helena
TO CONFUSED RE POSER OF THE DAY 0 annice 4th September 2010, 18:23
» by annice
County of cumbria 3 poppy 4th September 2010, 18:19
» by rl
DT 26337 9 AC 4 the riddler 4th September 2010, 17:09
» by the riddler
Answers connected to birds 6 dairybox 4th September 2010, 17:08
» by dairybox
Times no 887 (times2 clues)- sat 4th September 3 hilary 4th September 2010, 16:50
» by hilary
Times Crossowrd 24634 Saturday 4th September 3 rogerjw 4th September 2010, 15:36
» by peters
rte guide no 35 2 helbar 4th September 2010, 15:27
» by helbar 11 ixion 4th September 2010, 14:55
» by halloway
Daily star two way teaser 3 mark 4th September 2010, 14:45
» by mark
Daily Record (Sat) 1 charlie 4th September 2010, 14:35
» by silly boy
Times 24634, last 2 (I think I have them) 6 smiffy 4th September 2010, 14:15
» by rogerjw
New Dating Website Connects Singles Who Value Abstinence before Marriage 1 treasurestrove 4th September 2010, 13:55
» by sudokulover
Pleasing A Women 1 trove 4th September 2010, 13:26
» by silly boy
dt 6 george 4th September 2010, 12:59
» by george
wind or window? 2 rony 4th September 2010, 12:26
» by rony
Last One 2 purplebird 4th September 2010, 10:56
» by purplebird
cats!!! 1 charlie 4th September 2010, 09:30
» by pete
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