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the sun 1 ltfc4life 4th September 2010, 09:15
» by sudokulover
the sun 5 ltfc4life 4th September 2010, 08:37
» by trevor
The Week 713. 1a 1 willd 4th September 2010, 08:28
» by chrisg
Times 24634 2 rosie 4th September 2010, 06:50
» by rosie
RTE Guide Crossword No 36... 3 kieros 4th September 2010, 06:39
» by kieros
Lake or loch in England or Scotland 1 chuckle 3rd September 2010, 23:34
» by zodiac
Radio Quiz Cryptic 10 lee gardner 3rd September 2010, 23:05
» by caravaggio
Things around the house 11 billie 3rd September 2010, 22:38
» by redford
Daily Mail 2 megan 3rd September 2010, 20:48
» by megan
Dingbats 3 bigfoot 3rd September 2010, 15:12
» by bigfoot
Word Play 5 bigfoot 3rd September 2010, 15:11
» by bigfoot
Club Monthly 20120 11a 2 mh 3rd September 2010, 08:05
» by mh
Me again 2 lorna 3rd September 2010, 07:15
» by lorna
times 24607 4 maxs 3rd September 2010, 07:08
» by maxs
Mephisto 2609 14a and 7d 5 mh 2nd September 2010, 23:00
» by leslie
9 letter word 2 david d 2nd September 2010, 23:00
» by david d
Spectator 1980 22 sudokulover 2nd September 2010, 22:52
» by ixion
Trevor and co I need you! 3 moonstruck 2nd September 2010, 22:45
» by big dave
Just can't get 2 ravel 2nd September 2010, 20:38
» by big dave
Rambling on 2 bristolian ann 2nd September 2010, 19:59
» by bristolian rambler
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