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RTE Guide C/W No; 1198 1 rufina 2nd October 2010, 21:23
» by tim
Polymath 573 - last one!! 2 jeanette 2nd October 2010, 21:20
» by jeanette
cryptic probs 3 gary 2nd October 2010, 21:14
» by tim
Singing 7 amelia 2nd October 2010, 20:55
» by amelia
Car (make and model) 4 di 2nd October 2010, 19:52
» by di
Times Cryptic 891 2 stan 2nd October 2010, 19:30
» by stan
last two help d aily record sat 2 4 megamargare 2nd October 2010, 19:20
» by megamargare
jumbo 891 Times 2 clues 2 janette 2nd October 2010, 19:08
» by mam-ti
Times2 jumbo 2 janebb 2nd October 2010, 19:02
» by hilary
daily record 2nd Oct 1 anne 2nd October 2010, 17:47
» by mamya
DT26,361 23a, 21dn, 26ac 4 gordonbennet 2nd October 2010, 17:42
» by gordonbennet
D. Tel £500 2 suki 2nd October 2010, 17:17
» by suki
Puck's Prize (Guardian) again 2 twm 2nd October 2010, 17:14
» by twm
Things You Should Never Reveal on Facebook 0 someday 2nd October 2010, 17:10
» by someday
Sat t2 5272 stuck on a few & Need help 11 foxylady 2nd October 2010, 16:28
» by twm
the week 717 4 ruth 2nd October 2010, 15:56
» by ruth
Baker butcher fishmonger greengrocer 16 billie 2nd October 2010, 15:54
» by chuckle
Herald Sports Xword - last one 2 jaybee 2nd October 2010, 15:42
» by jaybee
A look back at fashion 13 david 2nd October 2010, 15:16
» by caro
change a letter to make three more words that link 9 bigfoot 2nd October 2010, 15:08
» by bigfoot
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