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cryptic clues 5 nicola boyd 3rd October 2010, 16:32
» by nicola boyd
Times2 Jumbo 891 2 watson 3rd October 2010, 16:28
» by problem chimp
timesjumbo891 6 catsmum 3rd October 2010, 16:15
» by catsmum
Sun Tel GK 933 4 jimbo 3rd October 2010, 16:11
» by jimbo
Mephisto 2614 5 chips 3rd October 2010, 16:10
» by as
explanation of an answer in Puck's Guardian Prize 25,131 2 twm 3rd October 2010, 16:00
» by twm
Times 2 891 4 clive 3rd October 2010, 15:40
» by cl;ive
jumbo crossword 891 3 jim 3rd October 2010, 15:35
» by problem chimp
sunday mail seven days 2 darren 3rd October 2010, 15:27
» by twm
Daily Record Prize Crossword 5 cheanie 3rd October 2010, 15:25
» by cheanie
Sunday Telegraph GK933 7D 3 johnt 3rd October 2010, 15:23
» by twm
Places in Lancashire 12 carl 3rd October 2010, 15:18
» by chrisg
28down 1 catsmum 3rd October 2010, 15:06
» by sudokulover
Sat Daily Record 2 elaine 3rd October 2010, 14:58
» by elaine
Times Jumbo 891 Times 2 clues 11 shefinch 3rd October 2010, 14:45
» by philip
Seven days sunday mail 5 eilidhbeth 3rd October 2010, 14:39
» by redford
Sunday Times Crossword 4401 5 robert james larcombe 3rd October 2010, 14:31
» by suki
sunday mail mag 3 babs 3rd October 2010, 14:28
» by babs
Sunday Mail 7 Days 4 kaz 3rd October 2010, 14:16
» by kaz
DT 26361 19d 2 dorothyb 3rd October 2010, 14:08
» by dorothyb
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