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AZED 2000: 9 down 37 martin 3rd October 2010, 20:40
» by lumen
daily record sat 2 killieboy 3rd October 2010, 20:40
» by mattie
times jumbo 891 2 harry 3rd October 2010, 20:30
» by jim
People Puzzle Mega Crossword No. 111 1 silly boy 3rd October 2010, 20:24
» by mamya
last ones 5 tracey 3rd October 2010, 20:20
» by tracey
Local Crossword 3 mickydoo 3rd October 2010, 19:54
» by adelaide
cryptic probs 11 tracey 3rd October 2010, 19:48
» by tracey
Mail on Sunday 2 goatboy 3rd October 2010, 18:38
» by goatboy
times crossword 24658 11 tigerinthezoo 3rd October 2010, 18:20
» by janie
times jumbo 891 3 twohoots 3rd October 2010, 18:11
» by twohoots
Confirm ans for Times Cryptic 24568 6 sinclair 3rd October 2010, 18:09
» by sinclair
times jumbo 891 2 twohoots 3rd October 2010, 18:07
» by twohoots
sunday mail x word 2 betty 3rd October 2010, 18:04
» by betty
Sun Exp skeleton 3 bill 3rd October 2010, 17:51
» by bill
891 cryptic 5 francis 3rd October 2010, 17:51
» by francis
S.T4401 5 ron 3rd October 2010, 17:37
» by jamie
irish news help! 2 annb 3rd October 2010, 17:34
» by digger
Times 981 cryptic 3 terry 3rd October 2010, 17:33
» by terry
Bakers, butchers, fishmongers or greengrocers 6 dairybox 3rd October 2010, 16:52
» by dairybox
24A Help!! 6 april 3rd October 2010, 16:46
» by redford
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