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HELP PLEASE!!! 2 magmac 4th October 2010, 10:26
» by twm
DT 26,361 1ac & 9ac HELP !!! 2 tony 4th October 2010, 09:46
» by tony
Fish 2 marge 4th October 2010, 09:22
» by marge
2 New Quizzes 2 oddboddy 4th October 2010, 01:20
» by zodiac
message for someone called Stan. 2 terry 4th October 2010, 01:03
» by trevor
sat times 24.658 2 roger 4th October 2010, 00:54
» by tonto
Evening post 2 kelly 4th October 2010, 00:37
» by trevor
BT 1 nina 4th October 2010, 00:20
» by bigd
daily record crossword 4th sept 6 linda 4th October 2010, 00:18
» by trevor
ST 4401 2 yh 3rd October 2010, 23:03
» by ixion
Guardian Prize (Puck) 33 cafca 3rd October 2010, 22:41
» by ell
You crossword No 1,198 4 tamz 3rd October 2010, 22:27
» by tamz
times jumbo 891 4 harry 3rd October 2010, 22:13
» by poppy
Sunday Life 2 ravel 3rd October 2010, 22:08
» by crypto
DT26361 2 pweetz 3rd October 2010, 21:52
» by pweetz
Sunday Herald Prize Crossword - last one 2 jaybee 3rd October 2010, 21:47
» by jaybee
Mephisto 2614- checking answers don't look if you don't want it spoiled it 1 daniel 3rd October 2010, 21:27
» by tony
tls 849 11across 2 rony 3rd October 2010, 21:18
» by rony
irish mail on sunday 2 redford 3rd October 2010, 20:59
» by redford
Jumbo crossword 891 1 jim 3rd October 2010, 20:55
» by bruyere
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