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The last clue in a competition 3 penguin 26th December 2010, 14:32
» by julie, aberdeen
mephisto 2626 2 aceface 26th December 2010, 14:01
» by aceface
Mephisto 2626 6 joe 26th December 2010, 13:49
» by june
sunday times cryptic 4413 3 sallyw 26th December 2010, 13:48
» by sallyw
DT 26432 23 a and 21 d 2 joff 26th December 2010, 13:18
» by sudokulover
Where is the Times Crossword this wek can any tell me ? 6 big vic 26th December 2010, 13:13
» by sallyw
Mephisto 2625 Psul McKenna 5 richard wakefield 26th December 2010, 12:07
» by brian
Belfast Telegraph Sat 18 2 kaybee 26th December 2010, 11:57
» by siamcat
25.12.2010 jumbo xword 2 kate 26th December 2010, 11:40
» by kate
Belfast telegraph Sat 18 1 kaybee 26th December 2010, 11:15
» by sudokulover
Help with 46 and 49 across Sundat Times Christmas Crossword 4 kinsey 26th December 2010, 09:14
» by sudokulover
Sunday Times Xmas Crossword 2010 2 wilkins47 26th December 2010, 08:55
» by wilkins47
Polymath 586 11 oldham 26th December 2010, 08:29
» by srs
DT 26432 28 ac 1 joff 26th December 2010, 01:03
» by mamya
sat DT 26432 24a 3 gordonbennet 25th December 2010, 22:47
» by sammy
sunday Times Christmas crossword 2 jono 25th December 2010, 22:09
» by jono
CROSSWORD 25,203 2 raypar 25th December 2010, 18:23
» by sammy
Private Eye crossword 433 3 sallyw 25th December 2010, 17:55
» by sallyw
Times Xmas Day cryptic 10 jim 25th December 2010, 14:29
» by jim
Message for Rosie 0 julie, aberdeen 25th December 2010, 12:16
» by julie, aberdeen
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