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Telegraph cryptic 100,002 1 pauline 27th December 2010, 17:20
» by ab
Telegraph cryptic 100,002 2 pauline 27th December 2010, 17:13
» by pauline
Radio times Christmas crossword 2 sarah b 27th December 2010, 17:12
» by sarah b
herald 3 sean 27th December 2010, 17:08
» by sean
23 across 1 jim 27th December 2010, 17:02
» by jim
ST Xmas 2 derder 27th December 2010, 17:01
» by derder
Herald Jumbo 2 cf 27th December 2010, 16:54
» by jaybee
times jumbo cryptic 903 2 sallyw 27th December 2010, 16:47
» by sallyw
herald 4 sean 27th December 2010, 16:41
» by sean
Wee Stinker 2 xmas dunderheid 27th December 2010, 16:01
» by xmas dunderheid
whats the point 14 quizmad 27th December 2010, 15:44
» by quizmad
Times Cryptic 24730 2 tonyh 27th December 2010, 15:43
» by tonyh
st4413 2 francis 27th December 2010, 15:26
» by francis
Meteorolgical Quiz 6 lulu 27th December 2010, 15:01
» by lulu
Not Holly but Ivy 4 flo 27th December 2010, 14:54
» by flo
christmas creatures 0 buzzword 27th December 2010, 14:44
» by buzzword
wee stinker 3 kendo 27th December 2010, 14:34
» by kendo
ST4413 4 foxyloxy 27th December 2010, 14:19
» by foxyloxy
Times 2 no5344 21ac 5 ginab 27th December 2010, 14:18
» by ginab
ST4413 2 neil 27th December 2010, 14:16
» by neil
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