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Church Mag Christmas Crossword 4 salty old dog 28th December 2010, 13:34
» by salty old dog
Herald Christmas Jumbo 4 stewartry 28th December 2010, 13:18
» by magsb
What's the point 5 gwinearman 28th December 2010, 12:28
» by quizmad
Catholic Herald Cryptic 13 pipesmoker 28th December 2010, 12:18
» by pipesmoker
Wear me on the head 3 gwyneth 28th December 2010, 11:54
» by gwyneth
RTE Guide Crossword 2 patty 28th December 2010, 11:51
» by patty
Wee stinker - last one 3 jaybee 28th December 2010, 10:40
» by a reader
FT Crossword No. 13,578 4 nathan j 28th December 2010, 10:31
» by nathan j
Times Jumbo 903 2 gaperon 28th December 2010, 09:25
» by gaperon
Cheers 4 ted 28th December 2010, 07:04
» by ted
azed 2013 7 fazed 28th December 2010, 02:53
» by ixion
sunday crusader. 5 ron 28th December 2010, 00:28
» by ron
RTE Guide Crossword 3 patty 28th December 2010, 00:23
» by patty
Sunday World Jumbo Crossword 15 bernie 28th December 2010, 00:18
» by bernie
RTE Guide X Word 0 patty 28th December 2010, 00:15
» by patty
rte crossword 4 patty 28th December 2010, 00:10
» by terry
RTE GUIDE CHRISTMAS CROSSWORD 9 andrea 27th December 2010, 23:32
» by bernie
herald 4 sean 27th December 2010, 23:17
» by finlay
Phoenix Mag. Xmas Annual 19A, 40A and 16D, . 5 jerrylotus 27th December 2010, 22:57
» by jerrylotus
Types of headgear(cryptic) 4 gwyneth 27th December 2010, 22:50
» by siamcat
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