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FT Cryptic 3 oldham 24th December 2010, 11:39
» by oldham
cryptic puzzle 5 pat 24th December 2010, 11:30
» by pat
snow frost or ice 7 quizmad 24th December 2010, 11:23
» by francis
Christmas cryptics 10 tony 24th December 2010, 10:59
» by tony
help 1 pat 24th December 2010, 10:14
» by crypto
Christmas Eve Crosswords 2 simmo 24th December 2010, 09:01
» by simmo
snow,carol,or white in the answer 3 cherub19 24th December 2010, 08:58
» by cherub19
RTE CHRISTMAS CROSSWORD 2010 3 norman lowther 24th December 2010, 08:25
» by norman lowther
private eye xmas xword 433 3 big al 24th December 2010, 07:11
» by big al
capital of Zimbabwe ? 2 michelle 23rd December 2010, 23:52
» by def
EV 946 13 jilly 23rd December 2010, 23:44
» by turast
DT26431 4 pweetz 23rd December 2010, 23:42
» by pweetz
RTE Christmas Crossword 4 mobhi 23rd December 2010, 23:10
» by mobhi
RTE GUIDE CHRISTMAS 5 dixxy 23rd December 2010, 22:58
» by bernie
RTE GUIDE CHRISTMAS COMPETITION 3 norman lowther 23rd December 2010, 22:31
» by b
local cryptic - again 5 lindsey 23rd December 2010, 21:37
» by chald
Sunday Times crossword 3 april 23rd December 2010, 20:10
» by terry
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 2 pooksahib 23rd December 2010, 19:48
» by pooksahib
R T Christmas Xword 4 geoff 23rd December 2010, 19:22
» by ann
local cryptic 4 lindsey 23rd December 2010, 19:09
» by lindsey
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