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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Hobbies and pastimes 13 taylor 29th December 2010, 16:40
» by suki
polymath 586 15 across 1 dragonbreath 29th December 2010, 16:24
» by ajt
Mac or Mc 10 golphingpro 29th December 2010, 15:59
» by emf
mephisto 2626 1 dandelion 29th December 2010, 15:28
» by dandelion
by the waterside 3 gandalph 29th December 2010, 15:16
» by gandalph
local cryptic crossword 0 mollie 29th December 2010, 15:09
» by mollie
daily mail 3 gareth 29th December 2010, 15:09
» by emf
Daily Mail cryptic 4 pauline 29th December 2010, 15:01
» by emf
For att. of Problem Chimp 6 puzzled 29th December 2010, 14:42
» by puzzled
French Week bilingual 2 mjp 29th December 2010, 14:35
» by mjp
winnie the pooh 3 christmas 29th December 2010, 14:27
» by christmas
Daily Mail Cryptic - 29.12.10 10 cliff 29th December 2010, 14:26
» by gareth
Times Jumbo Cryptic 903 4 studio51 29th December 2010, 14:14
» by studio51
winter quiz 11 billie 29th December 2010, 13:40
» by billie
Times cryptic jumbo 27 Dec 2 drosscrow 29th December 2010, 12:48
» by drosscrow
Private Eye 433 7 kevin 29th December 2010, 11:42
» by pastille
Times 5 pam 29th December 2010, 11:14
» by pam
Guardian Christmas Crossowrd 106 mikey4444 29th December 2010, 10:03
» by cryptomaniac
Xmas present anagram 2 bigfoot 29th December 2010, 08:51
» by bigfoot
finance whizkids 5 studmuff 29th December 2010, 08:41
» by chrisg
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