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Sunday Express Mag 13 March - £1,000 crossword 4 hilary 14th March 2011, 15:53
» by hilary
Daily mail 3 dms 14th March 2011, 15:53
» by emf
Times Jumbo Cryptic 915 2 oldbeavo 14th March 2011, 15:49
» by oldbeavo
Sun Times 4424 3 jules b 14th March 2011, 14:31
» by jules b
Catholic Herald 4 pipesmoker 14th March 2011, 14:01
» by pipesmoker
Wee Stinker 4 dunderheid 14th March 2011, 13:57
» by dunderheid
DT Cryptic 26,498 11A 4 chrish 14th March 2011, 13:38
» by chrish
Everyman 3363 - SPOILER 14 terry 14th March 2011, 12:34
» by sallyw
Trees. 3 freddo 14th March 2011, 11:05
» by freddo
Wee Stinker 4 jim 14th March 2011, 10:06
» by jim
D T 26,498 13 dn 2 tony 14th March 2011, 09:34
» by tony
sevendays crossword 2 lorna 14th March 2011, 09:22
» by lorna
ST Cryptic 4424 5d 2 jaxinnz 14th March 2011, 08:52
» by jaxinnz
Sunday Business post 4 mind addled 14th March 2011, 08:38
» by chrisg
Sunday Times Concise No 1199 13/03/11 2 ginnie 14th March 2011, 07:37
» by ginnie
Beelzebub 1099 8 morven 14th March 2011, 07:09
» by morven
i cryptic 9 davyp 14th March 2011, 06:55
» by chrisg
Cryptic clue 2 bigfoot 14th March 2011, 00:07
» by the world and his wife
sunday post 3 lorna 14th March 2011, 00:03
» by lorna
D T 26,498 12a 4 chris 13th March 2011, 23:55
» by chris
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