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AZED 2,024 33 peterm 18th March 2011, 23:51
» by cruciverbalist
another cryptic 4 ixion 18th March 2011, 22:37
» by ab
EV 958 6 rosie 18th March 2011, 19:35
» by tony
new to cryptics stuck on two simple ones 5 simon239 18th March 2011, 19:18
» by mamya
Times Crossword 24800 Old Apartheid State???? 2 christine 18th March 2011, 18:59
» by christine
i cryptic 38 6 bella 18th March 2011, 18:25
» by mistley
Times 24800 7 dicky 18th March 2011, 17:25
» by neilm
Capitals of the world 6 howzat 18th March 2011, 17:20
» by howzat
The Week 739 6 ruth 18th March 2011, 16:37
» by tony
occasional cryptic 11 ixion 18th March 2011, 16:03
» by ixion
Pairs 3 quizmad 18th March 2011, 15:44
» by oddbody
Daily Mail - Friday 6 muttley 18th March 2011, 15:43
» by gareth
The Week 740 2 ruth 18th March 2011, 14:44
» by ruth
local cryptic 3 tonta 18th March 2011, 14:29
» by tonta
pick me up mag 3 lolly 18th March 2011, 14:11
» by lolly
Spectator 2006 49 morven 18th March 2011, 13:40
» by turast
Time cryptic 24800 4 neilm 18th March 2011, 12:33
» by neilm
rte guide 12 6 daffy m 18th March 2011, 12:19
» by daffy m
Cryptic help 2 doug 18th March 2011, 11:03
» by doug
y-c- 2 pweetz 18th March 2011, 10:34
» by pweetz
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