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Dr Sat last one 5 gran 16th March 2011, 00:29
» by celia
the big one 2 jean 16th March 2011, 00:10
» by jean
Sat Times Discrepancy 2 les40 15th March 2011, 23:31
» by ixion
the times cross word no..915 times.2 clue 4 den 15th March 2011, 23:09
» by den
Crossword definition 7 riddler 15th March 2011, 22:29
» by les40
Flower of Germany 4 david 15th March 2011, 20:55
» by david
Tues DR crossword 2 aa 15th March 2011, 19:54
» by aa
tuesday record 3 babs 15th March 2011, 19:33
» by aa
herald 2 sean 15th March 2011, 19:29
» by sean
R.T.E. Guide, No. 12 2 bernie 15th March 2011, 18:22
» by bernie
Red is the answer quiz 2 pug999 15th March 2011, 17:51
» by emf
d mail tues 5 emf 15th March 2011, 17:24
» by emf
daily record the big one 3 drew 15th March 2011, 16:54
» by bullfrog
DR £500 6 joe 90 15th March 2011, 16:51
» by joe 90
The Herald (Glasgow) small crossword. 2 andyb 15th March 2011, 15:24
» by andyb
Times cryptic no 915 2 tim 15th March 2011, 14:36
» by tim
the big one daily record xword 2 beth 15th March 2011, 13:54
» by beth
Holiday essentials 3 gandalph 15th March 2011, 13:36
» by gandalph
Don't understand theme - Peter Gordon Book 6 neckfraid 15th March 2011, 12:53
» by neckfraid
IOS 1100 2 dmg 15th March 2011, 10:55
» by dmg
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