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D. Mail cryptic - Tuesday 1 olive 15th March 2011, 10:53
» by jolan
Daily Express Crusader (cryptic) 4 v 15th March 2011, 09:43
» by v
\cast your mind back...13th march, RT no 11 started by THICKO. 8 pastille 15th March 2011, 00:25
» by trevor
Times Cryptic 24796 3 rene & james 14th March 2011, 23:34
» by chald
Two that could help ?? 2 blind monkey 14th March 2011, 23:24
» by ixion
cryptic jumbo 915 3 tim 14th March 2011, 22:57
» by tim
Sir Lancelot 7 chrissie 14th March 2011, 22:35
» by bullfrog
TV Shows 13 jean 14th March 2011, 22:09
» by jean
crossword 3 sammi 14th March 2011, 21:01
» by sammi
jumbo, cryptic 915 11 pastille 14th March 2011, 20:31
» by pastille
RTE Crossword No 11 3 kieros 14th March 2011, 20:24
» by be
Anagrams 8 john wilson 14th March 2011, 20:22
» by stucktoo
Wee stinker 20 jaybee 14th March 2011, 19:06
» by ixion
i cryptic 3 jo 14th March 2011, 18:54
» by jo
connection word 6 dairybox 14th March 2011, 18:38
» by mrs bantry
d mail mon 14 emf 14th March 2011, 18:12
» by alexandra
Times Jumbo 915 20a 2 philip 14th March 2011, 16:49
» by philip
Jumbo Cryptic 915 Last one 35ac 2 rosalind 14th March 2011, 16:13
» by rosalind
last one 2 sunday indo 14th March 2011, 16:12
» by gem
SATURDAY TIMES JUMBO 915 CRYPTIC 2 audreyf 14th March 2011, 15:55
» by audreyf
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