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ST4425 1 patrick 20th March 2011, 15:06
» by rl
Times 2 crossword no 916 2 eileen 20th March 2011, 14:46
» by eileen
ST 4425 5 barb 20th March 2011, 14:34
» by barb
sun tel crypic 2580 12A 1 geoff marbella 20th March 2011, 14:31
» by chald
26 across He took a phone to unknown part of london (8 letters) 2 sunday mail march 20th 20th March 2011, 14:22
» by john
sunday mail x word 4 beth 20th March 2011, 14:18
» by beth
ST 4425 2 puzzled 2 20th March 2011, 14:18
» by puzzled 2
DR500 2 ronnie 20th March 2011, 14:18
» by ronnie
Everyman 3364 - 14ac 2 ben 20th March 2011, 14:18
» by stevie
Daily Record last clue 2 watty 20th March 2011, 14:01
» by watty
times jumbo cryptic 916 32 down 2 annie 20th March 2011, 13:45
» by annie
Belfast Telegraph cryptic 5 v 20th March 2011, 13:43
» by v
20th Century Plays 31 aiden 20th March 2011, 13:40
» by aiden
ST 4425 4 lia 20th March 2011, 13:37
» by lia
Sunday Times 4425 4 angie 20th March 2011, 13:30
» by angie
ST 4425 0 joe 90 20th March 2011, 13:25
» by joe 90
Times 916 1 blagdonbabe 20th March 2011, 13:11
» by blagdonbabe
Weekend Scotsman crossword 0 swalastova 20th March 2011, 13:05
» by swalastova
Sunday times 4425 6 edward 20th March 2011, 12:52
» by julie, aberdeen
sevendays crossword 3 eilidhbeth 20th March 2011, 12:42
» by eilidhbeth
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