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Times 2 Jumbo 917 1 fred 27th March 2011, 16:25
» by kate
Sunday Times 4426 4 angie 27th March 2011, 16:23
» by angie
Sunday telegraph quick crossword 2 tabbycat 27th March 2011, 16:18
» by ab
ST4426 2 beardy 27th March 2011, 16:18
» by beardy
Mephisto 2639 4 boltonian 27th March 2011, 16:08
» by boltonian
st 4426 6 joe 90 27th March 2011, 16:07
» by chicken
ST 4426 3 paul 27th March 2011, 15:56
» by tonto
MoS No. 1,482 3 gt 27th March 2011, 15:44
» by gt
There's a place for us 3 repairman 27th March 2011, 15:43
» by metoo
chocolate and sweets 4 bigfoot 27th March 2011, 15:28
» by poodle
Times Crossword 24807 3 tigerinthezoo 27th March 2011, 15:26
» by tigerinthezoo
dt 26510 1a & 15a 2 maria 27th March 2011, 15:25
» by maria
ST 4426 4d. 2 dick i 27th March 2011, 15:22
» by dick i
i cryptic 10 fred 27th March 2011, 15:07
» by fred
t2 917 organ? 3 david 27th March 2011, 14:49
» by suki
DAILY RECORD 26/03/11 2 carolyn 27th March 2011, 14:48
» by carolyn
Mephisto 2639 12 rosie 27th March 2011, 14:46
» by sandy
DT 26510 7 tim 27th March 2011, 14:37
» by tim
dr crossword 1 jacquio 27th March 2011, 14:32
» by carolyn
Cryptic 917 3 boss 27th March 2011, 14:27
» by boss
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