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actors and actresses 11 jude 29th March 2011, 07:13
» by metoo
Gerry? 9 pastille 29th March 2011, 02:03
» by pastille
Solved the clue, but need to know why 4 pansy potter 29th March 2011, 01:37
» by the dreaded gerry
times jumbo 917 26/3/11/b last two I think! 5 heron 28th March 2011, 23:20
» by heron
occasional cryptic 3 ixion 28th March 2011, 23:17
» by ixion
Daily Record £500 crossword 4 brenda 28th March 2011, 22:42
» by brenda
times 24807 1dn 6 theambler 28th March 2011, 22:33
» by pastille
Got it. 0 jinty 28th March 2011, 22:25
» by jinty
Stumped. 2 jinty 28th March 2011, 21:48
» by jinty
times.24.807. 10 pat 28th March 2011, 21:05
» by pat
20th Century Plays 8 pamela w 28th March 2011, 21:02
» by pamela w
times cryptic 917 5 dim 28th March 2011, 20:32
» by dim
The Wee Stinker 2 hoops440 28th March 2011, 19:47
» by hoops440
Cryptic help! 2 echo 28th March 2011, 19:27
» by echo
RTE Guide No 14 2 kate asking for help 28th March 2011, 19:18
» by peterm
old cryptic 2 hkl 28th March 2011, 19:15
» by hkl
Cryptic help! 2 andym 28th March 2011, 19:13
» by andym
Spectator 2007 2 carlynn 28th March 2011, 19:09
» by carlynn
108 4 lelly 28th March 2011, 19:05
» by lelly
Herald 2 tricia 28th March 2011, 19:03
» by peterm
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