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sunday times 4426 5 greg 27th March 2011, 12:32
» by greg
Times 24807 12 Across 3 don h 27th March 2011, 12:30
» by don h
Crossword 2 bharath 27th March 2011, 12:25
» by bharath
sunday indpendent crossword 0 cecil 27th March 2011, 12:24
» by cecil
sunday indpendent crossword 2 cecil 27th March 2011, 12:20
» by sammy
sunday times 4426 2 rachael 27th March 2011, 12:16
» by rachael
sunday times 4426 2 tom 27th March 2011, 12:15
» by tom
sunday indpendent crossword 1 cecil 27th March 2011, 12:14
» by terry
Times 24807 5 dandelion 27th March 2011, 11:58
» by dandelion
2 New Charity Quizzes available (postal) 0 quizmouse 27th March 2011, 11:58
» by quizmouse
Sunday times 4426 3 hector 27th March 2011, 11:57
» by terry
Sat Tel 26,510 (cryptic) 2 elizabeth 27th March 2011, 11:53
» by elizabeth
EP Cryptic - Last ones 1 kelly 27th March 2011, 11:45
» by ab
YEP 4 dave 27th March 2011, 11:30
» by boltonian
beginning with the letter T 1 parsifal 27th March 2011, 11:23
» by pipesmoker
sunday indpendent crossword 1 cecil 27th March 2011, 11:23
» by trevor
EP Cryptic 3 kelly 27th March 2011, 11:14
» by trevor
sunday indpendent crossword 2 cecil 27th March 2011, 11:10
» by trevor
sunday indpendent crossword 2 cecil 27th March 2011, 11:10
» by peters
herald 5 tricia 27th March 2011, 10:23
» by trevor
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