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Topic Replies Started by Last post
times 917 4 rosie 28th March 2011, 19:00
» by terry
Cryptic puzzle 3 rags 28th March 2011, 18:41
» by rags
Pasquale Cryptic 3 enda 28th March 2011, 18:29
» by enda
not a crisis 3 ann 28th March 2011, 18:21
» by ann
occasional cryptic 46 ixion 28th March 2011, 18:06
» by ixion
ST 4426 2 maggie 28th March 2011, 17:45
» by maggie
DR26thMARCH 7 anna 28th March 2011, 16:33
» by anna
SATURDAY TIMES JUMBO CRYPTIC 917 9 audrey 28th March 2011, 16:23
» by tim
jumbo 917 last one 2 amanda wilson 28th March 2011, 15:56
» by amanda wilson
times cryptic 24808 2 sallyw 28th March 2011, 14:46
» by sallyw
Times Jumbo 917 2 hattie 28th March 2011, 14:43
» by hattie
Wee Stinker 6 gran 28th March 2011, 14:37
» by finlay
Times jumbo cryptic 917, 22 down 3 gromit 28th March 2011, 14:02
» by gerry
Mephisto2639 3 gordon 28th March 2011, 14:01
» by gordon
herald 5 tricia 28th March 2011, 13:56
» by chrisg
Daily Mail cryptic 28th Mar 10d 2 paul h 28th March 2011, 13:49
» by paul h
whats the point 2 marge 28th March 2011, 13:30
» by marge
wee stinker 2 kendo 28th March 2011, 13:16
» by kendo
ST Cryptic 4426 12 Ac. 5 the ink monitor 28th March 2011, 13:08
» by the ink monitor
Wee Stinker 17 big red 28th March 2011, 13:07
» by jockster
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