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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Times 24,810 1 tommy 31st March 2011, 13:21
» by neilm
Times 24,811 3 neilm 31st March 2011, 13:07
» by neilm
Cryptic puzzle 5 mike 31st March 2011, 12:22
» by mike
Times 917 2 gregory 31st March 2011, 12:15
» by gregory
Cryptic 2 tom 31st March 2011, 10:16
» by tom
times 2 5357 2 brianc 31st March 2011, 08:28
» by brianc
Witness Cryptic, help please 4 mary 31st March 2011, 07:36
» by mary
CLUELESS 50 jolan 31st March 2011, 07:04
» by mary
Things in the bathroom - rebus puzzle 4 wysiwyg 31st March 2011, 06:49
» by samak
mamya....psst 6 ? 31st March 2011, 00:24
» by mamya
1 clue to go 3 mark 30th March 2011, 22:11
» by mark
times 917 - help needed 4 poppy 30th March 2011, 21:22
» by poppy
ST 4426 4 tgi paul 30th March 2011, 20:55
» by tgi paul
Cryptic puzzle 3 enda 30th March 2011, 20:18
» by enda
Cryptic help! 2 ollie 30th March 2011, 20:14
» by ollie
cryptic clue 8 t-gal 30th March 2011, 18:57
» by t-gal
times cryptic 248010 5 sallyw 30th March 2011, 18:44
» by sallyw
one cryptic left 3 gina 30th March 2011, 18:11
» by boltonian
communication cord 0 observer 30th March 2011, 18:02
» by observer
RTE Guide No 14 2 kate 30th March 2011, 18:01
» by kate
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