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RTE Crossword No. 14 3 noel 2nd April 2011, 00:59
» by una
last one! 2 bigd 2nd April 2011, 00:39
» by chald
April Fool's Day Trick 3 bullfrog 1st April 2011, 21:22
» by jo
U.K. sporting venues 3 jerry 1st April 2011, 20:59
» by jerry
times cryptic 248012 5 sallyw 1st April 2011, 20:56
» by sallyw
NZ Herald 3 bigfoot 1st April 2011, 20:48
» by bigfoot
still baffled 7 bigd 1st April 2011, 20:41
» by peterm
can't figure these out Falkirk Herald 31.3.11 3 megamargare 1st April 2011, 20:13
» by terry
still baffled 2 bigd 1st April 2011, 20:08
» by terry
completely baffled 1 bigd 1st April 2011, 19:48
» by terry
What Investment Magazine Prize Crossword 8 fiona 1st April 2011, 19:36
» by fiona
Bread and cakes cryptic quiz 25 margaret 1st April 2011, 18:04
» by margaret
mainly for Pastille 9 terry 1st April 2011, 17:23
» by the joker
Guardian 25285 6 david w 1st April 2011, 16:38
» by robtherich
chicken 3 rony 1st April 2011, 16:00
» by rony
Cafes clubs and pubs 5 pixie 1st April 2011, 15:52
» by pixie
Times 2 5426 4 robertito 1st April 2011, 15:07
» by the judge
Old daily mail 3 blue moon 1st April 2011, 15:01
» by blue moon
connecting word 2 marge 1st April 2011, 14:50
» by marge
actors 4 jude 1st April 2011, 11:18
» by jude
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