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Daily Record £500 3 may 2nd April 2011, 14:21
» by may
INLAND WATERWAYS AREA, LAST CLUE 4 jac 2nd April 2011, 14:05
» by jac
Times Jumbo 918 3 sebastian 2nd April 2011, 13:57
» by sebastian
Times 2 918 2 maggie 2nd April 2011, 13:37
» by maggie
Frustrating crossword clue 4 trish 2nd April 2011, 13:34
» by trish
local mag 3 zoe 2nd April 2011, 13:34
» by rl
SWE Post Cryptic Crossword 5 claire 2nd April 2011, 13:24
» by claire
Spectator 2008 31 sandy 2nd April 2011, 13:23
» by ixion
The Scotsman Weekend Crossword 0 swalastova 2nd April 2011, 13:06
» by swalastova
C-M Cryptic 9 newbie 2nd April 2011, 12:58
» by the judge
times 24813 2 paul 2nd April 2011, 12:57
» by the judge
Times 2 Jumbo 918 2 sazzle 2nd April 2011, 12:29
» by sazzle
SUP or SOP 1 neily 2nd April 2011, 11:21
» by pipesmoker
D. Tel. 2 jimbo 2nd April 2011, 10:53
» by jimbo
SUP or SOP 1 neily 2nd April 2011, 10:46
» by sallyw
was last one,need to confirm 1 bigd 2nd April 2011, 10:13
» by chrisg
Cryptic TV shows 11 kenny 2nd April 2011, 10:04
» by nimrod
Witness cryptic, stuck! 4 mary 2nd April 2011, 08:46
» by mary
Sunday Times 730 - the australian 3 widger 2nd April 2011, 07:50
» by trevor
Food & Drink 1 jean 2nd April 2011, 04:49
» by trevor
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