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WILL I EVER GET IT??? 3 janice 11th May 2011, 08:32
» by samak
Maybe 2 cheryl 11th May 2011, 05:41
» by robyn
cryptic help again 2 robyn 11th May 2011, 05:40
» by robyn
cryptic puzzler 7 david 11th May 2011, 00:54
» by def
help again please for cryptic 3 suz 11th May 2011, 00:39
» by george
DR The Big One 2 daver 10th May 2011, 23:16
» by daver
Sunday Times 735 6 carmel 10th May 2011, 22:46
» by carmel
dr big one xword today. 7 beth 10th May 2011, 22:45
» by beth
Stumped 4 times 24845 10th May 2011, 22:26
» by tommy
CLUELESS 5 francis 10th May 2011, 22:14
» by mamya
times jumbo cryptic 924 5ac 3 theambler 10th May 2011, 21:34
» by theambler
times jumbo cryptic 924 5ac 2 theambler 10th May 2011, 21:32
» by theambler
Times Cryptic 924 2 foxy 10th May 2011, 21:05
» by foxy
DR Tues crossword 2 aa 10th May 2011, 21:05
» by aa
Tues Daily Record 4 millie 10th May 2011, 20:37
» by millie
Local paper cryptic 2 smb 10th May 2011, 19:44
» by smb
Daily Record 15D 4 linda 10th May 2011, 19:39
» by linda
Azed 2032 6 gordon 10th May 2011, 18:56
» by mostyn
Andy from the 'Well. 0 barrycat 10th May 2011, 18:18
» by barrycat
Daily Record Tuesday £200 2 andy from the 'well 10th May 2011, 16:21
» by andy from the 'well
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