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Topic Replies Started by Last post
pastille 2 fred 9th May 2011, 09:57
» by sallyw
Me again 1 sharon 9th May 2011, 09:40
» by chald
Help please 2 robyn 9th May 2011, 09:35
» by robyn
DT 26,546 5Dn 2 linda 9th May 2011, 09:02
» by linda
i cryptic Friday 6th 2 bertie 9th May 2011, 08:40
» by bertie
times cryptic 924 7th may 9 down 2 pat 9th May 2011, 08:03
» by pat
Times Crossword 24843 7 tigerinthezoo 9th May 2011, 07:59
» by tigerinthezoo
Mephisto 2645 1 bob 9th May 2011, 07:14
» by sudokulover
Azed 2032 8 tracey 9th May 2011, 07:02
» by alurepal
Criptic Clue 2 colin 9th May 2011, 03:14
» by colin
Regarding fred. 10 sorcha 9th May 2011, 00:43
» by pastille
general knowledge 2 posy 9th May 2011, 00:11
» by sylvia
pastille why ue so much space? 3 fred 8th May 2011, 23:52
» by terry
suppose so 3 fred 8th May 2011, 23:49
» by pastille
Pssst..Terry 3 pastille 8th May 2011, 23:39
» by fred
Sat times 24.843 4 april 8th May 2011, 23:19
» by theambler
SL cryptic 6 stumped 8th May 2011, 23:17
» by sammy
Fred 0 terry 8th May 2011, 23:06
» by terry
Times 24,843 5 paul 8th May 2011, 23:05
» by theambler
times no 5457 6 eileen 8th May 2011, 23:00
» by karim
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