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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Times cryptic 4 val 12th May 2011, 16:02
» by chelle
Times Jumbo 924 7 rambotwigs 12th May 2011, 15:53
» by rambotwigs
DM THURS 14 smb 12th May 2011, 15:33
» by emf
Daily Mail 15 megan 12th May 2011, 15:30
» by megan
Daily Mail 3 megan 12th May 2011, 15:09
» by emf
Daily Mail 7 megan 12th May 2011, 15:05
» by emf
Daily Mail 1 megan 12th May 2011, 15:05
» by chelle
superficially novel 3 amanda 12th May 2011, 14:34
» by chelle
DM THURS 3 smb 12th May 2011, 14:30
» by smb
daily mail cryptic 5 gareth 12th May 2011, 12:46
» by emf
Witness Cryptic, help please 3 mary 12th May 2011, 10:00
» by mary
Jolan's 5@5 and Clueless 2 pastille 12th May 2011, 09:57
» by pastille
Radio Times #19 25 mandala 12th May 2011, 09:53
» by caravaggio
CLUELESS 7 28 peterm 12th May 2011, 07:52
» by mary
Manchester Evening News 2 jack 12th May 2011, 06:22
» by jack
the big one 2 jean 11th May 2011, 23:58
» by jean
oops! Sorry for posting this again 2 millie 11th May 2011, 23:49
» by pastille
orderred lmfao 9 sue 11th May 2011, 22:42
» by sallyw
don't worry terry is pissed 15 greg 11th May 2011, 22:41
» by sallyw
Tues Daily Record 5 millie 11th May 2011, 21:10
» by millie
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