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DT 26552 2 elisa 14th May 2011, 14:49
» by elisa
times 2 925 4 kate 14th May 2011, 14:47
» by jacqui
Times 925 2 suzy 14th May 2011, 14:39
» by suzy
RTE Guide No 20 4 kate 14th May 2011, 14:19
» by kate
Sunday Times 736 4 dalaner 14th May 2011, 14:08
» by dalaner
implements 2 neily 14th May 2011, 14:05
» by barrycat
T2 Jumbo 2 marcus 14th May 2011, 13:26
» by marcus
Times 24849 2 vincelegrau 14th May 2011, 13:12
» by vincelegrau
Saturday Record 1 cathie 14th May 2011, 13:06
» by barrycat
Clue answer please 7 jimmac 14th May 2011, 12:25
» by jimmac
i cryptic 79 2 freddie 14th May 2011, 11:52
» by freddie
Oldie Genius 270 17across Vessel, far adrift, breaking law at sea (5,5) 13 scotland granny 14th May 2011, 11:39
» by scotland granny
Times2 2 pap 14th May 2011, 11:04
» by pap
Scotsman Weekend Crossword 0 swalastova 14th May 2011, 11:01
» by swalastova
i paper 1 joan 14th May 2011, 10:52
» by tonyw
Cakes 17 bigfoot 14th May 2011, 10:42
» by jimbo
Time24848 4 hattie 14th May 2011, 10:27
» by hattie
Doctors & Nurses 13 julianne 14th May 2011, 09:28
» by julianne
Polymath 605 3 bill 14th May 2011, 09:20
» by ajt
Times gone by 13 les40 14th May 2011, 01:41
» by les40
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