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Help!! Guardian Cryptic 25,328 2 besottedgran 22nd May 2011, 21:55
» by besottedgran
Sunday mail seven days 4 aa 22nd May 2011, 21:49
» by aa
Express mag comp 16072 2 betty 22nd May 2011, 21:09
» by hilary
Please explain this solution 6 mickydoo 22nd May 2011, 21:08
» by mickydoo
Times 24855 9 jas 22nd May 2011, 20:54
» by caro
Sunday Herald Prize Crossword 22/5 3 andyb 22nd May 2011, 20:46
» by andyb
can anybody help, please? 5 mary 22nd May 2011, 20:44
» by mary
Times Jumbo 925 Cryptic 8 tigerinthezoo 22nd May 2011, 20:21
» by jim
Everyman 3,373 1 neil 22nd May 2011, 20:14
» by julie, aberdeen
A HARD ONE THIS WEEK 5 jg 22nd May 2011, 20:11
» by jg
telegraph 2589. 4 pat 22nd May 2011, 20:08
» by pat
everyman 3373 9 jg 22nd May 2011, 20:07
» by jg
M.O.S. no.1,231 6 hedgi 22nd May 2011, 20:01
» by ab
DT GK HELP LAST CLUE 3 libbycats 22nd May 2011, 19:54
» by ab
tel. 2589 4 john 22nd May 2011, 19:54
» by john
tel. 2589 5 pete. 22nd May 2011, 19:43
» by ab
seven days x word 7 beth 22nd May 2011, 19:39
» by beth
JG again -forgot to say it's everyman 3373 0 jg 22nd May 2011, 19:13
» by jg
sat sun GK 2 tonyw 22nd May 2011, 19:08
» by tonyw
DR sat crossword 4 nanashelper 22nd May 2011, 19:01
» by nanashelper
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