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WH Crossword 3 clover 22nd May 2011, 19:00
» by clover
Times. 4434. 4 ron 22nd May 2011, 18:50
» by paul
Yours -cryptic-any takers? 3 gina 22nd May 2011, 18:46
» by gina
times 2 no 926 12 eileen 22nd May 2011, 18:37
» by anna
daily record £500 4 mal 22nd May 2011, 18:22
» by mal
Sat times 24.855, Tel sat 26.558 2 april 22nd May 2011, 18:17
» by sudokulover
DM 19 May 4 nildesperandum 22nd May 2011, 17:53
» by nildesperandum
Sunday Express Mag £1000 crossword - today's issue 3 hilary 22nd May 2011, 17:44
» by hilary
sunday times 4434 4 william 22nd May 2011, 17:04
» by rachel
times 2 jumbo 4 rebecca 22nd May 2011, 17:01
» by rebecca
D rec sat 66A 4 mattie2 22nd May 2011, 17:01
» by barryycat
need a bigger brain 1 alison 22nd May 2011, 16:59
» by ajt
RTE No 21 4 mary 22nd May 2011, 16:58
» by mary
Times 926 cryptic 2 bizkit 22nd May 2011, 16:24
» by bizkit
Rainbow quiz on communication 9 michael dark 22nd May 2011, 16:20
» by magic1
Times cryptic 926 2 rosalind 22nd May 2011, 16:19
» by rosalind
WH Crossword 3 clover 22nd May 2011, 16:14
» by clover
Sunday T concise 1209 6 salswals 22nd May 2011, 16:08
» by salswals
SoS Quick Crossword 2 georgeg 22nd May 2011, 15:59
» by georgeg
Everyman 3373 6D 2 cericb 22nd May 2011, 15:52
» by eb
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