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DT 26,594 3 basil 2nd July 2011, 20:56
» by basil
Times2clues 3 vicky 2nd July 2011, 20:55
» by vicky
24891- something wrong? 3 smiffy 2nd July 2011, 20:45
» by smiffy
DM sat 2 emf 2nd July 2011, 20:21
» by emf
guardian prize 6 thomas 2nd July 2011, 19:08
» by tommy
stuck again 6 jax63 2nd July 2011, 17:48
» by jax63
daily record sat 2 jax63 2nd July 2011, 17:48
» by ajt
daily record saturday 4 andy from the 'well watp 2nd July 2011, 17:44
» by andy from the 'well watp
daily record sat 6 jax63 2nd July 2011, 17:33
» by jax63
DT 26,594 4d 3 ashley 2nd July 2011, 17:32
» by ashley
What's going on Barrycat?? 0 helenb 2nd July 2011, 17:11
» by helenb
Swansea Post Cryptic 4 colin (swansea jack) 2nd July 2011, 16:49
» by colin (swansea jack)
Spectator2020 6 amostyn 2nd July 2011, 16:39
» by amostyn
Times 24891 3 margarine 2nd July 2011, 16:04
» by margarine
Daily Record £500 1 sandra 2nd July 2011, 15:38
» by pipesmoker
times cryptic 24891 9 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 2nd July 2011, 15:20
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
irish news 2 tom 2nd July 2011, 15:15
» by tom
£500 x word dr 11 beth 2nd July 2011, 14:08
» by beth
log on 59 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 2nd July 2011, 13:53
» by shambles
times cryptic 24891 2 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 2nd July 2011, 13:51
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
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