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THINGY3 16 theambler 18th August 2011, 19:26
» by lord lucan
Local paper cryptic 2 smb 18th August 2011, 18:39
» by smb
Greedykite,re Spectator 2 helping hand 18th August 2011, 18:22
» by helping hand
Jumbo938 1A 74 hugger 18th August 2011, 17:43
» by julie, aberdeen
Spectator 2027 53 sheer 18th August 2011, 17:38
» by helping hand
Radio Times 34 6 dustbin lid 18th August 2011, 16:59
» by wendy
local papar 3 gardengirl 18th August 2011, 16:59
» by gardengirl
A word in praise 12 neilm 18th August 2011, 16:04
» by robtherich
Need help with two questions 5 qwerty55 18th August 2011, 15:43
» by qwerty55
through the garden gate 4 susie 18th August 2011, 14:06
» by chelle
Why Oh Why? 1 soloman 18th August 2011, 11:36
» by soloman
NY ADVERTISER 4 linton 18th August 2011, 11:25
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
DM Wednesday 2 jacko 18th August 2011, 09:57
» by jacko
Through the garden gate 6 duke 18th August 2011, 09:51
» by duke
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 3 pooksahib 18th August 2011, 07:04
» by pooksahib
Azed 2046 15 abi 18th August 2011, 06:28
» by jasm1ned
Times24929 - stuck, maybe Judith could help! 16 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 18th August 2011, 01:53
» by sipowicz
Observer Everyman 2 jackmarriott 17th August 2011, 23:54
» by bill twentyshire
Cryptic help 3 jessiet 17th August 2011, 22:09
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
colours 1 jojo 17th August 2011, 21:34
» by jojo
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