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Times Jumbo Cryptic 939 41 across 3 harpist 20th August 2011, 15:17
» by harpist
Times Jumbo cryptic 939 4 jazzgirl 20th August 2011, 14:41
» by jazzgirl
re-Registration 26 wendy 20th August 2011, 14:34
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Herald (Glasgow) GK Crossword 20/8 6 andyb 20th August 2011, 13:45
» by mamya
Times 2 jumbo 939 4 true babs 20th August 2011, 13:28
» by true babs
times 2 939 jumbo 3 barry 20th August 2011, 13:13
» by xwordfan
Ft 13,777 4 xwordfan 20th August 2011, 13:10
» by xwordfan
Daily Record Sat. 2 clell 20th August 2011, 12:31
» by clell
Daily Record Sat. 12 clell 20th August 2011, 11:57
» by clell
The Irish News 3 rml 20th August 2011, 11:24
» by dandelion
Cryptic puzzle 11 tricia 20th August 2011, 11:07
» by jazzgirl
Times Cryptic 24933 2 tonyh 20th August 2011, 11:06
» by tonyh
the sun 5 stu 20th August 2011, 09:34
» by stu
the sun 3 stu 20th August 2011, 09:07
» by sudokulover
globe and mail cryptic August 13 3 danshea 20th August 2011, 06:12
» by bcc
Times 19th Aug 19 schoolsoutforever 19th August 2011, 23:55
» by terry as was
Lovatts Megas Stinker #71 4 clot 19th August 2011, 23:25
» by clot
Times 19th Aug 6 schoolsoutforever 19th August 2011, 17:42
» by schoolsoutforever
Times Cryptic 19th Aug 3 schoolsoutforever 19th August 2011, 17:26
» by schoolsoutforever
TLS 891 5 xwordfan 19th August 2011, 17:22
» by xwordfan
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