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Listener 4596 57 lwo 6th March 2020, 15:33
» by hearer
Metro cryptic 06/03 2 whetstone 6th March 2020, 14:17
» by whetstone
Help in Parsing SCREAM 2 nimus 6th March 2020, 13:51
» by nimus
Private Eye 672 3 st.hubbins 6th March 2020, 13:36
» by the_bard
Herald Clootie March 2 2020 3 myla 6th March 2020, 12:17
» by stevie gee
alphapuzzle fri 2 manudave 6th March 2020, 11:46
» by manudave
Excessive advertising 12 tonta 6th March 2020, 11:06
» by essay
Spectator 2446 11 kt17 6th March 2020, 10:20
» by quiz
Help with local crossword 4 brahan 6th March 2020, 09:17
» by pedagogue
i Cryptic 2832 6 diablos 6th March 2020, 08:14
» by cerasus
ST4892 last ones 9 ccr 5th March 2020, 22:24
» by malone
Azed 2,490 5 kt17 5th March 2020, 18:49
» by williamseal
Times Jumbo 1427 4 tonyb 5th March 2020, 18:02
» by chips
i Cryptic 2831 6 diablos 5th March 2020, 14:03
» by cerasus
alphapuzzle thurs 3 manudave 5th March 2020, 13:37
» by chips
Radio Times 11 3 bees 5th March 2020, 11:13
» by bees
RTE Guide No. 11 10 laurel 5th March 2020, 07:23
» by malone
CLUELESS 464 55 kt17 5th March 2020, 00:42
» by paul
Sunday Times Cryptic 4892 2 kenhiggs 4th March 2020, 14:59
» by kenhiggs
Last two clues 1 jude52s 4th March 2020, 13:01
» by ginge
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