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Eye 673 - small but irritating last clue - Help please! 1 big al 19th March 2020, 08:14
» by big al
Cryptic Crossword of the Lost and Found 2 lana 18th March 2020, 23:01
» by brendan
Mephisto 3107 3 stockie 18th March 2020, 20:03
» by stockie
Eye 673 1 telboy1999 18th March 2020, 19:31
» by telboy1999
EV 1426 10 bigf 18th March 2020, 15:56
» by bigf
alphapuzzle wed 3 manudave 18th March 2020, 12:31
» by manudave
Forum messages - Chat and gone AWOL 39 derekack 18th March 2020, 11:05
» by tyke51
i Cryptic 2842 10 diablos 18th March 2020, 08:32
» by cerasus
Guardian 28,084 4 brendan 18th March 2020, 07:08
» by brendan
Viz 294 (adult content) 9 rotovator01 17th March 2020, 21:04
» by rotovator01
I know the answer, but not the “why” 3 bbdelb 17th March 2020, 20:49
» by bbdelb
Daily record funday Tuesday 10th march 7 annilee 17th March 2020, 18:17
» by rusty
daily record march 10 funday Tuesday 2 annilee 17th March 2020, 17:38
» by ginge
Times Cryptic 1429 3 despard 17th March 2020, 16:17
» by despard
i Cryptic 2841 7 diablos 17th March 2020, 11:38
» by malone
SMH Saturday Cryptic #22127 15th March 2020 - 25 Down 2 eelliott 17th March 2020, 01:51
» by eelliott
rte guide no. 13 1 laurel 16th March 2020, 21:54
» by brendan
Times Jumbo cryptic 1429 parsing help please! 1 fififun 16th March 2020, 20:00
» by ginge
Last Clue 2 jude52s 16th March 2020, 16:37
» by malone
Stuck on i2840 2 david w 16th March 2020, 14:44
» by david w
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