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alphapuzzle thurs 2 manudave 12th March 2020, 11:28
» by manudave
i Cryptic 2837 7 diablos 12th March 2020, 10:57
» by cerasus
Azed No.2,491 2 itsme 12th March 2020, 10:49
» by itsme
motolobo 2 chrise 12th March 2020, 09:36
» by cerasus
The Stickler 1 sarumite 11th March 2020, 12:44
» by chrise
times jumbo 1428 36 ac 3 penda 10th March 2020, 19:21
» by malone
numbers and initials 2 brainless 10th March 2020, 15:37
» by brainless
Times Jumbo Cryptic 1426, 17 across - MYSTERY SOLVED 3 themadwomanintheattic 10th March 2020, 14:36
» by spoffy
i Cryptic 2835 6 diablos 10th March 2020, 13:41
» by malone
Mail 16,268 Tuesday 4 strangelybrown 10th March 2020, 13:23
» by malone
alphapuzzle tues 2 manudave 10th March 2020, 11:21
» by manudave
EV 1425 7 cloverjo 10th March 2020, 07:13
» by alwayspuzzled
Wee Stinker 07/03/20 5 timdownieuk 10th March 2020, 06:56
» by brendan
Times Cryptic Jumbo 1428 7 anriard 9th March 2020, 15:16
» by malone
ST 4893 3 shipwreck 9th March 2020, 13:18
» by malone
alphapuzzle monday 2 manudave 9th March 2020, 11:45
» by manudave
i Cryptic 2834 6 diablos 9th March 2020, 08:31
» by malone
(A-L) Answers up to Clueless 464 and Peer Review 427 0 mattrom 9th March 2020, 00:56
» by mattrom
(M-Z) Answers up to Clueless 464 and Peer Review 427 0 mattrom 9th March 2020, 00:47
» by mattrom
ST 4893 7 loubyloo10 8th March 2020, 19:56
» by brendan
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