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Guardian Prize 28,075 38 brendan 8th March 2020, 19:32
» by brendan
Times cryptic 27606 2 missrossers 8th March 2020, 19:05
» by brendan
Crossword 2 johnc1 8th March 2020, 17:48
» by sunray
Times Ctossword No. 27,606 5 rocketman 8th March 2020, 16:57
» by wintonian
Express skeleton 3 april 8th March 2020, 16:32
» by ian
Everyman 3,830 17 brendan 8th March 2020, 15:16
» by yevrah
Times 27,606: 10 across 5 rogerjw 8th March 2020, 15:15
» by malone
ST 4893 2 grimalkin 8th March 2020, 13:59
» by grimalkin
alphapuzzle sunday 3 manudave 8th March 2020, 13:06
» by malone
Herald on Sunday prize crossword 3 mmairm 8th March 2020, 12:02
» by malone
ST4893 2 anriard 8th March 2020, 12:00
» by anriard
Guardian Genius 200 84 pendragon 8th March 2020, 09:28
» by pendragon
Inquisitor 1637 9 granama1 7th March 2020, 15:39
» by malone
eye 672 -13A 2 jacanterbury 7th March 2020, 14:42
» by jacanterbury
alphapuzzle sat 2 manudave 7th March 2020, 13:48
» by manudave
Daily record 2 brahan 7th March 2020, 13:30
» by brahan
YP1775 2 yorkie 7th March 2020, 11:45
» by yorkie
PEER REVIEW 427 64 aristophanes 7th March 2020, 11:36
» by fieryjack
Times 27606 1 queenie 7th March 2020, 10:42
» by cerasus
Times Jumbo Cryptic crossword 1427 5 iblack 6th March 2020, 17:40
» by malone
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