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Site clock 4 chrise 9th April 2020, 21:37
» by chrise
Azed 2,495 19 kt17 9th April 2020, 20:59
» by williamseal
CLUELESS 469 - all welcome 52 mattrom 9th April 2020, 20:57
» by aristophanes
Help! 3 ljparker 9th April 2020, 20:08
» by drxx
Spectator 2452 7 xwordfan 9th April 2020, 18:08
» by xwordfan
Alphapuzzle Thursday 3 shakey 9th April 2020, 12:53
» by shakey
Spectator 2451 11 turast 9th April 2020, 09:30
» by malone
Times cryptic jumbo 1432 24 janephilip 9th April 2020, 08:10
» by tango
i Cryptic 2861 6 diablos 9th April 2020, 07:59
» by cerasus
Listener 4601 63 bobbycollins 9th April 2020, 00:17
» by mattrom
EV 1429 "The Purge" 6 williamseal 8th April 2020, 23:22
» by brendan
Place in Scotland 11 mostyn 8th April 2020, 17:06
» by drxx
@Azed Solvers 9 jacknatter 8th April 2020, 15:05
» by granama1
Scotsman - last one! 4 tomshieboy 8th April 2020, 14:55
» by tomshieboy
Linkword 4 rays 8th April 2020, 14:35
» by rays
alphapuzzle wed 5 manudave 8th April 2020, 13:12
» by malone
furlough 6 alanfi 8th April 2020, 11:56
» by jigjag
i Cryptic 2860 4 diablos 8th April 2020, 11:01
» by malone
RT 14 17 mondrian 8th April 2020, 10:59
» by bees
The Spectator 2451 13 lecrack 7th April 2020, 23:00
» by quiz
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